Trellising tomatoes applying a strong trellis net is a guaranteed technique to help growing more abundant, healthier and bigger crops.
It provides an easy to use guide for climbing tomatoes, keeping the harvest away from the soil humidity and pests, reducing damages for trampling. Furthermore, avoiding the contact with the ground, crops don’t rot and can be sold for a higher price.
Trellising tomatoes increases the plant exposure to light and air. It also facilitates harvesting and cutting procedures, optimizing labour cost and time.
Trellising tomatoes, training the plants to grow vertically, permits to prevent the diseases caused by mold and fungus. It helps maximizing the cultivable area so it is ideal for intensive horticulture in greenhouses or shadehouses.
Trellis net is available in different size, up to 3 metres high. In case of growing in greenhouses it is possible to install the net using the existent structure and anchoring cables. Fix the net over the greenhouse roof panels and unroll it to reach the plants at their early vegetative stage. Like all the cucurbitaceae, that are climbing vegetables, tomatoes naturally grasp any nearby structure. Trellis netting offers a professional support for assisting in canopy and crops management thanks to the square mesh design. Remaining tense, it handles more weight.
Trellising tomatoes is more efficient with a double wall installation, that is applying the net on both sides of the plant creating a double support like a sandwich. This way the plant would naturally lean on the tutoring system, without the need of manual labour of fixing the plant to the netting.
Trellising tomatoes reduces the risk of diseases
Reducing manual labour not only implies a direct reduction of costs. It also lowers the risk of transmission of Viruses that are spread through the contact of the infected hands of the workers.
In fact Viruses cause annually heavy loss of commercial product in horticulture. The most common Viruses are: the cucumber mosaic virus, the tobacco mosaic virus, the tomato mosaic virus and the virus Tomato spotted, also called the tomato bronzing virus.
The best method of struggling against the virus diseases is actually prevention.
The tobacco mosaic virus, also known as TMV, is a highly infectious virus that is transmitted by contact, caused by an infectious agent smaller than a bacterium. It is possible to recognize the tobacco mosaic disease by the yellow or green spots on the leaves of the plant, or because of the deformation and rippling of the leaves. The destruction of chloroplasts and the alteration of the activity of enzymes that regulate photosynthesis block the growth of the plant and cause the resulting decay.

Trellising tomatoes reduces significantly the risk of tobacco mosaic virus. Trellising tomatoes also diminishes the risk of mechanical stress of the plant. When plants
are manipulated, like during the phase of being trained into the tutorial system they suffer of stress.
During a few days after the manual operations plants recover from the stress concentrating the nutrients for this purpose. As a consequence the nutrients are subtracted from the process of growing the fruits, resulting in less developed or fewer products.
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